We are whoever we need to be while we are in active addiction. We don't often know how to be anything else other than a chameleon. Rhett shares with us about his journey into finding himself and being comfortable with who he…
The desire for us to fit in somewhere is so strong that we will almost destroy ourselves to find our place in the world. Jamie shares with us the challenges she faced long before the drug abuse and how she coped with the wor…
Sarah's journey through recovery is both the same and different than most. She came from a good family, two loving parents, two siblings...it seems like the American Dream, and yet, Sarah battled with her own addiction. What…
Every family is different in what works, what boundaries to lay out, and the experience they have with their loved ones battling addiction. Natasha P. tells us what some of the boundaries her family laid out for her. She als…
As humans, we all have unconscious patterns that impact our relationships around us. For Bilinda, a mother with two kids with substance abuse issues, the patterns she uncovered will forever change her relationship with her k…
Very quickly, Mike begins by telling us about all the different masks he put on. We often do this where we are whoever you need us to be. The challenge is when we are ready to be ourselves, we don't know who that is because …
Growing up in a good home, how did a person like Amanda find herself hiding her drug use from her parents for so long? A good girl that didn't like to get in trouble turns to using some of the hardest drugs out there. Where …
Recovery is never a straight line. People dealing with substance abuse issues can often find themselves living a life they never imagined for themselves. That was Travis. He found himself in situations he never imagined and …
Alcohol is insidious. Being so much more socially acceptable to drink alcohol, one can find themselves being able to justify and rationalize their behaviors easily, until it is undeniable that there is a problem. Even once a…
There is a difference between someone who is simply abstaining from drugs/alcohol and what it means to be in recovery. For years, Eddie would be able to abstain from drugs and alcohol on his own. He has been a practicing bud…
Early Recovery is difficult. There are often misconceptions about addiction and parents choosing drugs over their kids, but in this episode, Abbie shares a different perspective about what is really going on. As challenging …
Every person has a different journey through addiction and through the early recovery process. Lizzy's journey is no different. She tells us what she has done to get to where she is at, and we get to hear her triumphs and he…
Steve talks to us about his journey through early recovery and also his family upbringing. Addiction is a family disease and growing up with it, it's easy to see where addiction would just be a normal way of life. But that d…
Early recovery is challenging. It can be hard to know what to expect. Families often don't understand what a person goes through during the early stages. The questions we are asking ourselves, the challenges we face, learnin…
Early recovery is challenging. We go through a lot but we don't always know how to articulate our experience around it. It's emotional, it's challenging, we have a hard time coping with what we have done. Families struggle w…
When you have a loved one with substance abuse issues, manipulation is something you are going to come across frequently. It's hard to understand substance abuse and why they do some of the things they do, but there are thin…
Two episodes ago, we heard from a mother, Bilinda. She gave us some great insights to what she was experiencing as she was dealing with both her son and her daughter through addiction. The last episode, her daughter, Marilyn…
Last week, we had Bilinda Blume on, a mother of two kids that dealt with addiction. I had the privilege of following things up with her daughter this week, Marilyn. Marilyn dives deep into her own story of her side of things…
An incredible interview with a woman who has experience with having loved ones dealing with substance abuse. Bilinda is a mother of three; two of her children have struggled with substance abuse, beginning in their teens and…
During this time, I have seen many people bending, or breaking their own boundaries because of the extenuating circumstances. However, it is important to continue to apply the principles of boundary setting even in today's w…
This episode was originally under the End the Stigma Podcast, it was an interview with my mom, Lynn Carnes. It was a great interview about boundaries and some of the things she did for me while in my addiction that helped me.
It was a hard decision, but I had to go with my heart. I am scrapping end the stigma podcast but replacing it with something even better. The Unbreakable Boundaries Podcast. You will learn the reason why in this latest episo…