It can be hard to know if your loved one is going to make it. How do you know what to look for when they first get out of rehab? What are some of the signs that this MIGHT be it...FINALLY... Having watched thousands of people come in and out…
Sometimes, we just don't know what we don't know. When it comes to substance abuse, there is a lot you wouldn't know. You may be seeing red flags, but you may not know what they mean. And here is a gentle reminder that your loved one is not going to…
This was the online event from our Parent Impact Event that happened. If you were unable to attend the online event but wanted to be there, this is what we put together. Here are some of the things we covered. How to support and help your loved one. How to…
Having a loved one with substance abuse can be challenging in what the heck to do. There are a lot of things to consider but I am giving you THE #1 thing to do here that is going to change your life. And save you a lot of pain and…
Recently, I had this realization that excitement and disappointment often felt the same. I was scared to get excited because I just knew disappointment would soon follow. But then I would forget to celebrate the good things in life. And that kind of thinking can lead to a reactionary lifestyle.…
Do you have a loved one with substance abuse? Join us for a free live event on May 23, 2020. Here are some things the parents will learn at the event: How to support and help your loved one. How to provide loving and supportive boundaries. Find out what is…
I usually stay away from this topic: Is it a disease or a choice? It's so controversial and causes many debates and it makes me nervous to approach it. But it's time to end the debate. Because as long as we continue to be divided or this subject, we aren't…
Are you making your decisions from little snapshots of life where you are making up the rest of the story. If you have a loved one with substance abuse, that is often what people do who don't understand substance abuse. Even if you do understand substance abuse, it's too hard…
Defending boundaries is more important than ever. Learn how to really focus on how to set boundaries with difficult people